Līga Valinka – psychologist
Līga works as a psychologist at the University of Latvia and consults students and employees on various emotional health topics as well as leads seminars on mental health topics that are relevant for students.
Līga has a master's degree in psychology (University of Latvia) and a master's degree in business administration (RSEBAA). She has obtained an international personality development trainer (coach) certificate (ICF Latvia). Līga is a certified psychologist in consulting psychology as well as work and organizational psychology. She is currently studying systemic family psychotherapy.
Līga provides consultations in Latvian and English.
Contact information: liga.valinka@lu.lv

Alise Pīrāga - psychologist
Alise has a master's degree in psychology (University of Latvia) in the field of clinical and health psychology. She offers individual consultations on various mental health difficulties such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, etc. The extensive experience in the corporate environment has also taught her various time planning, stress management and business relationship building techniques with whom Alise is happy to share.
Alise works as a volunteer at the Psychological Assistance Center of University of Latvia and is currently studying cognitive behavioural psychotherapy at the Latvian CBT Association.
Alise provides consultations in Latvian and English.
Contact information: alise.piraga@lu.lv

Dace Siliņa – career counselor, coach
Dace studied psychology (BA) and sociology (MA) at the University of Latvia. She worked as project manager, fieldwork manager in social, market and media research field, created and developed training system and managed it. Since 2009 Dace consults as a couch (individual consultations and seminars).
Consultation language: Latvian, Russian, English.
Contact information: dace.silina@lu.lv; tel.: (+371) 67034714

Anda Paegle – project manager
"Happy people go lucky, not vice versa."
Anda is highly experienced in preparation and management of various social and business-related projects. That gives her the understanding of those issues that are most important for every individual or company to reach their aims.
Anda's main responsibility at the Career Centre is to organize the annual Career Opportunities Day, to promote collaboration among companies, students and the University. Another Anda's role is to manage international projects.
Contact information: anda.paegle@lu.lv, tel.: (+ 371) 26158998.