Ekarjera.lu.lv is a career portal of the University of Latvia (UL) and also a part of portal network known as Graduateland. Graduateland has developed career portals for several key universities throughout Europe.

Through E-Karjera ekarjera.lu.lv students of UL can find thousands of available opportunities, not only in Latvia, but also throughout Europe and the rest of the world. Any employer can now place their positions via E-Karjera. It allows employers to easily target their positions to specific students of UL. Via targeted e-mail services employers are able to reach only the relevant students fulfilling their requirements. Since Graduateland is responsible for operating E-Karjera, any support related errand will be directed to the company. If you have any questions, or are curious to know more about E-Karjera, feel free to contact Graduateland: info@graduateland.com
